
OOP라 하면 객체지향프로그래밍의 개념을 말하는 거다.
새로운 개념을 익히기 위해서는 용어를 많이 알아두는 것이 유리하다. 난 이름같은거 정말 못외워서 개념을 잡으면 되지 무슨 용어가 그리 중요하냐고 자주 생각했었다. 하지만 개념을 제대로 잡으려면 용어를 제대로 알고 있는게 가장 빠르다.
이 글을 관심있게 보는 사람이라면 C언어가 무엇인지 대강 알고 있을 것이다.

객체지향 언어를 배우는데 있어서 구조적 프로그래밍의 습관은 오히려 방해가 된다. 전혀 새로운 세계에 푹 빠져든다고 생각해라. 얼마 되지도 않는 얕은 지식을 가지고 있으면서 그 지식을 활용하려고 들지 말고 그냥 새로운 세계에 들어왔으니 그냥 보고 그대로 받아들여라. 해석하지 마라. (정말 중요하니까 항상 염두해 두도록!)

C언어나 어셈블리어같은 녀석들을 구조적 프로그래밍이라 한다. 프로그램을 순서에 따라 진행시켜 나가면서 한가지 기능별로 함수를 만드는 것이 이 프로그래밍의 목표다. 하나의 함수는 하나의 기능을 가지는 것이 일반적인 방법이다. 필요에 따라 만들어진 함수를 재사용하여 효율을 높인다.

객체지향 언어는 말 그대로 객체를 다루는 언어다. 목표는 클레스를 잘 설계하는 것이다. 객체와 클레스에 대해선 뒤에 말하겠다.
OOP(객체지향프로그래밍)에서 중요한 개념은 객체, 정보은닉, 캡슐화, 상속, 다형성(over loading, over writing, template)등이 있겠다. (너무 길면 보기 귀찮으니까 짧게 잘라서 나가자.)


'Programming > C++은객체지향언어다' 카테고리의 다른 글

error C2220: warning treated as error - no object file generated  (0) 2011.07.29
g++ for windows  (0) 2008.11.07
집합(차집합, 교집합, 합집합) - cpp  (0) 2008.04.02
ADT array 구현  (0) 2008.03.04
C++ (OOP개념들)  (0) 2008.02.26
C++ (객체)  (0) 2008.02.26
C++ (개요)  (0) 2008.02.26
이곳에 올리는 글들은 두서없고 대책없는 bluelimn style의 C++ study다. C언어는 학교에서 mentor로 2학기간 후배들을 가르쳤으니 깊이는 없어도 어느정도 가르치는 체계가 잡혀 있다고 할 수 있지만 객체지향에 관해서는 나도 아직 남들을 가르치는 수준은 커녕 내가 제대로 사용하는 수준에도 미치지 못했다. 그리하여 나도 공부해볼 겸 해서 이곳에 글을 올리면서 하나씩 정리해 나가볼까 한다.
이곳에서 도움을 얻고자 하는 사람들은 두서없고 대책없다하여 불만을 가지지 말고 제대로 된 공부를 하려면 다른 곳으로 가길 바란다.
목표는 안드로메다에 출장 가버린 개념을 복귀시키는 작업이다.
대상은 프로그래밍에 대해서 기초는 알고 있는 사람이다. (if, for, while과 함수가 무엇인지 정도는 아는 사람이다.)
그럼 객체지향 언어에 대한 개념을 중심으로 도구는 C++을 사용해서 시작해보자. 언어는 C++, JAVA, C#등 객체지향 언어면 어떠한 것이든 상관없다. 단, visual basic은 구조적 언어와 객체지향 언어의 중간정도 되므로 조금 곤란하다. 사실 C++도 완전객체지향 언어라고 할 수는 없으나 아직까지는 회사측에서 직원을 채용할 때 C/C++을 익숙하게 사용하는 사람을 요구한다. 웹개발 쪽에서는 JAVA를 더 선호하고 있다.(application 개발 분야에서는 C#이 꾸준히 따라가기 때문에 향후 어떤 언어가 많이 잡아먹을 지 모른다. C#은 JAVA에 대응해 MS에서 강력히 밀고 있지만 MS계열 OS에서만 작동하므로 어떻게 될지 두고볼 일이다.)
그럼 필요없는 말은 이만 줄인다. 시 ~ 작!!

'Programming > C++은객체지향언어다' 카테고리의 다른 글

error C2220: warning treated as error - no object file generated  (0) 2011.07.29
g++ for windows  (0) 2008.11.07
집합(차집합, 교집합, 합집합) - cpp  (0) 2008.04.02
ADT array 구현  (0) 2008.03.04
C++ (OOP개념들)  (0) 2008.02.26
C++ (객체)  (0) 2008.02.26
C++ (OOP개념)  (0) 2008.02.26
자북(http://www.jabook.org) 페이지 링크
프로그래밍과 관련된 책들을 출판하는 회사다. 그런데 ebook을 무료로 공개한다.
공개하는 책들도 꽤 인지도가 높은 책들이다.
프로그래밍에 관심은 가는데 무슨 책을 사야할 지 모르겠다면
우선 심심풀이로 이곳에 가서 구경해보는 것도 괜찮을 듯 싶다.

Today we shipped Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5.  You can download the final release using one of the links below:

  • If you are a MSDN subscriber, you can download your copy from the MSDN subscription site (note: some of the builds are just finishing being uploaded now - so check back later during the day if you don't see it yet).

  • If you are a non-MSDN subscriber, you can download a 90-day free trial edition of Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite here.  A 90-day trial edition of Visual Studio 2008 Professional (which will be a slightly smaller download) will be available next week.  A 90-day free trial edition of Team Foundation Server can also be downloaded here.

  • If you want to use the free Visual Studio 2008 Express editions (which are much smaller and totally free), you can download them here

  • If you want to just install the .NET Framework 3.5 runtime, you can download it here.

Quick Tour of Some of the New Features

Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 contain a ton of new functionality and improvements.  Below are links to blog posts I've done myself as well as links to videos you can watch to learn more about it:

VS 2008 Multi-Targeting Support

VS 2008 enables you to build applications that target multiple versions of the .NET Framework.  This means you can use VS 2008 to open, edit and build existing .NET 2.0 and ASP.NET 2.0 applications (including ASP.NET 2.0 applications using ASP.NET AJAX 1.0), and continue to deploy these application on .NET 2.0 machines.  You can learn more about how this works from my blog post here:

ASP.NET AJAX and JavaScript Support

.NET 3.5 has ASP.NET AJAX built-in (no separate download required).  In addition to including all of the features in ASP.NET AJAX 1.0, ASP.NET 3.5 also now includes richer support for UpdatePanels integrating with WebParts, ASP.NET AJAX integration with controls like <asp:menu> and <asp:treeview>, WCF support for JSON, and many other AJAX improvements.

VS 2008 and Visual Web Developer 2008 also now have great support for integrating JavaScript and AJAX into your applications.  You can learn more about this from my blog posts here:

You can watch some videos that discuss ASP.NET AJAX and Visual Studio 2008 support for it here

I also highly recommend the excellent ASP.NET AJAX in Action book to learn more about ASP.NET AJAX (both client-side and server-side).

VS 2008 Web Designer and CSS Support

VS 2008 and Visual Web Developer 2008 Express includes a significantly improved HTML web designer (the same one that ships with Expression Web).  This delivers support for split-view editing, nested master pages, and great CSS integration.  Below are some articles I've written that discuss this more:

ASP.NET 3.5 also has a new <asp:ListView> control that provides the ability to perform rich data scenarios with total control over the markup.  It works nicely with the new CSS support in VS 2008.  You can learn more about it from my article here:

You can watch some videos that discuss the new Visual Studio 2008 web designer features and the new ListView/DataPager controls here

Language Improvements and LINQ

The new VB and C# compilers in VS 2008 deliver significant improvements to the languages.  Both add functional programming concepts that enable you to write cleaner, terser, and more expressive code.  These features also enable a new programming model we call LINQ (language integrated query) that makes querying and working with data a first-class programming concept with .NET. 

Below are some of the articles I've written that explore these new language features using C#:

Here are a few additional blog posts I've written that show off some of the new VS 2008 code editing support and some cool ways to use these new language features:

The Visual Basic team has also created some great free videos that cover LINQ.  You can watch them here.

Data Access Improvements with LINQ to SQL

LINQ to SQL is a built-in OR/M (object relational mapper) in .NET 3.5.  It enables you to model relational databases using a .NET object model.  You can then query the database using LINQ, as well as update/insert/delete data from it.  LINQ to SQL fully supports transactions, views, and stored procedures.  It also provides an easy way to integrate business logic and validation rules into your data model.  Below are some of the articles I've written that explore how to use it:

I think you'll find that LINQ and LINQ to SQL makes it much easier to build much cleaner data models, and write much cleaner data code.  I'll be adding more posts to my LINQ to SQL series in the weeks and months ahead (sorry for the delay in finishing them earlier - so much to-do and so little time to-do it all!).

Scott Stanfield is also working on creating some great LINQ to SQL videos for the www.asp.net site based on my article series above (all videos are in both VB and C#).  You can watch the first 4 videos in this series here.

Browsing the .NET Framework Library Source using Visual Studio

As I blogged a few weeks ago, we will be releasing a reference version of the .NET Framework library source code as part of this release.  Visual Studio 2008 has built-in debugger support to automatically step-into and debug this code on demand (VS 2008 can pull down the source for the appropriate .NET Framework library file automatically for you).

We are deploying the source servers to enable this right now, and will be publishing the steps to turn this feature on in the next few weeks.

Lots of other improvements

The list above is only a small set of the improvements coming.  For client development VS 2008 includes WPF designer and project support.  ClickOnce and WPF XBAPs now work with FireFox.  WinForms and WPF projects can also now use the ASP.NET Application Services (Membership, Roles, Profile) for roaming user data. 

Office development is much richer - including support for integrating with the Office 2007 ribbon, and with Outlook.  Visual Studio Tools for Office support is also now built-into Visual Studio (you no longer need to buy a separate product).

New WCF and Workflow projects and designers are now included in VS 2008.  Unit testing support is now much faster and included in VS Professional (and no longer just VSTS).  Continuous Integration support is now built-in with TFS.  AJAX web testing (unit and load) is now supported in the VS Test SKU.  And there is much, much more...

Installation Suggestions

People often ask me for suggestions on how best to upgrade from previous betas of Visual Studio 2008.  In general I'd recommend uninstalling the Beta2 bits explicitly.  As part of this you should uninstall Visual Studio 2008 Beta2, .NET Framework Beta2, as well as the Visual Studio Web Authoring Component (these are all separate installs and need to be uninstalled separately).  I then usually recommend rebooting the machine after uninstalling just to make sure everything is clean before you kick off the new install.  You can then install the final release of VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 on the machine.

Once installed, I usually recommend explicitly running the Tools->Import and Export Settings menu option, choosing the "Reset Settings" option, and then re-pick your preferred profile.  This helps ensure that older settings from the Beta2 release are no longer around (and sometimes seems to help with performance).

Note that VS 2008 runs side-by-side with VS 2005 - so it is totally fine to have both on the same machine (you will not have any problems with them on the same box).

Silverlight Tools and VS Web Deployment Project Add-Ins

Two popular add-ins to Visual Studio are not yet available to download for the final VS 2008 release.  These are the Silverlight 1.1 Tools Alpha for Visual Studio and the Web Deployment Project add-in for Visual Studio.  Our hope is to post updates to both of them to work with the final VS 2008 release in the next two weeks.  If you are doing Silverlight 1.1 development using VS 2008 Beta2 you'll want to stick with with VS 2008 Beta2 until this updated Silverlight Tools Add-In is available. 

Hope this helps,



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