JetBrains사의 IntelliJ IDEA 버젼6부터 Groovy와 Ruby를 지원하기 시작했다.(Groovy도 Ruby와 비슷한 스크립트언어다.) 그런데 IntelliJ IDEA가 뭔지 처음 들어봤다. 이녀석 찾아봐도 국내엔 설명이 없고 위키백과 영어버젼에만 나와있다. 대략 상용화된 JAVA IDE라고 한다. 그러니까 자바로 만든 리펙토링 툴인데 프로그래머가 빠르고 쉽게 자신의 코드를 redesign하도록 도와준다고 한다. C#을 사용하면서 비슷한 툴을 몇번 본 적이 있다. 같은 내용이면 method로 빼내주고 scop를 알아보기 쉽게 표시해주고 그런 녀석인가보다. 2001년에 개발되어 빠른 속도로 퍼지고 있다고 한다. 벌써 버젼6까지 나온 것을 보면 꽤 장사가 잘되나 보다. 이 툴의 성공비결은 다른 공개 개발툴과의 호환성이 좋다는 것인데 CVS, Subversion, Apache Ant ,JUnit등을 지원해준다고 한다. Groovy와 Ruby까지 지원해주니 꽤 유용한 녀석인 것 같다. 하지만 라이센스를 얻기 위해서는 미화 500$정도가 든단다.
JetBrains on Monday is unveiling plug-ins enabling users of its IntelliJ IDEA to accommodate Groovy and Ruby programming.
A popular tool for Java development, the IntelliJ IDEA is being expanded to accommodate dynamic languages, which are increasingly being used in Java programs. JetBrains now is offering its JetGroovy Plugin 1.0 for Groovy and Grails framework developers. Also available is Ruby Plugin 1.0 for Ruby development. These free, open source plug-ins previously were offered in a beta format.
"Basically, these plug-ins allow the same level of functionality for languages like Ruby and Groovy, the same as IntelliJ users enjoy for Java," said Eugene Vigdorchik, project lead at JetBrains.
Visual tools and run configurations are featured for Grails, with JetBrains planning additional enhancements for future releases. Groovy and Grails developers using IntelliJ IDEA get access to cross-language support, for developing in both Groovy and Java, as well as a built-in debugger.
Context-sensitive GDK-aware (Groovy Development Kit) code completion is featured, as is cross-resolution between Groovy and Java. Refactoring and GSP (Groovy Server Pages) support, with Grails tags and Groovy coding assistance, are included as well.
A dedicated visual application model editor is featured for Grails along with automatic generators for Grails controllers, views, domain classes, jobs, and scripts. Error highlighting is enabled for Groovy and Grails.
For Ruby, developers can use advanced coding assistance with smart code completion. Support for JRuby, which is a version of Ruby to run on the Java Virtual Machine, is featured as well.
TestUnit and RSpec test frameworks are supported, along with refactoring, advanced navigation, and views. There are automatic generators for Ruby on Rails skeletons and Ruby Access modifiers. Various application servers are supported.
Syntax highlighting, code formatting, and folding are featured for Ruby, Grails, and Groovy.
The plug-ins are available for the IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.2 maintenance release. Users of older versions can upgrade or take advantage of a free, 30-day trial. Plug-ins can be downloaded from the IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Repository or via the IntelliJ IDEA Plug-in Manager.
IntelliJ IDEA costs US$500 for an enterprise license.