
Bluetooth SIG에서 매년 2번씩 Core version을 발표할 계획이기 때문에 더이상 Core버전으로 기능을 설명할 수 없게 되었다. 때문에 SIG에서는 기능 중심으로 표시하도록 권장하고 있다.


2. End-Use Product Guidance

End-use product companies are encouraged to utilize the communication elements listed below. Please note that while members often combine the Bluetooth wordmark with the Bluetooth® Core Specification version against which they qualified their product (e.g., Bluetooth 5.4) to indicate support for Bluetooth technology, the SIG does not endorse this, as it may lead to incorrect assumptions about supported Bluetooth functionality. 

Communication ElementsRecommended terminology for use in promotional materials.Communication CriteriaProduct has completed the Bluetooth® Qualification Process and includes:

Communication ElementsRecommended terminology for use in promotional materials.Communication CriteriaProduct has completed the Bluetooth® Qualification Process and includes:

Bluetooth® Technology 
For communicating support for Bluetooth® technology. 
Bluetooth® = No criteria beyond qualification
Bluetooth® Applications
For communicating supported Bluetooth® applications as needed. 
Classic Audio
LE Audio
= Layer: A2DP or HFP
= Layer: TMAP or HAP

= Layer: PBP3 
= Layer: ESLP
Bluetooth® Core Version4
For communicating the Bluetooth® Core Specification against which the product was qualified, if applicable. 
Bluetooth® Core 5.0
Bluetooth® Core 5.1
Bluetooth® Core 5.2
Bluetooth® Core 5.3
Bluetooth® Core 5.4
Bluetooth® Core 6.0
= ICS: CORE 1/50 or 2/50
= ICS: CORE 1/51 or 2/51
= ICS: CORE 1/52 or 2/52
= ICS: CORE 1/53 or 2/53
= ICS: CORE 1/54 or 2/54
= ICS: CORE 1/60 or 2/60


ELS : Electronic Shelf Labels 마트에 자주 보이는 전자 가격표

NLC :  Networked Lighting Control 전등


3. Enabling Technology Product guidance

Enabling technology product companies are encouraged to utilize the following communication elements listed below. Please note that while members often combine the Bluetooth wordmark with the Bluetooth® Core Specification version against which they qualified their product (e.g., Bluetooth 6.0) to indicate support for Bluetooth technology, the SIG does not endorse this, as it may lead to incorrect assumptions about supported Bluetooth functionality. 

 Communication ElementsRecommended terminology for use in promotional materials.Communication CriteriaProduct has completed the Bluetooth® Qualification Process and includes:
Bluetooth® Technology 
For communicating support for Bluetooth® technology. 
Bluetooth® Classic 
Bluetooth® LE 
Bluetooth® Dual-Mode 
= No criteria beyond qualification
= ICS: CORE 30/1 or 30/3
= ICS: CORE 30/2 or 30/3
= ICS: CORE 30/3
Bluetooth® Features
For communicating supported Bluetooth® features as needed. 
Channel Sounding
LE 2M 
LE Coded 
Direction Finding
LE Power Control
Isochronous Channels
Extended Advertising
Periodic Advertising
Periodic Advertising with Responses
LE Secure Connections
Classic Audio
LE Audio
Mesh Networking
= ICS: CS 1/1 or 1/2
= ICS: RFPHY 1/4
= ICS: RFPHY 1/7
= ICS: RFPHY 1/9 or 1/11
= ICS: LL 9/37
= ICS: LL 9/31, 9/32, or 9/33
= ICS: LL 9/41
= ICS: LL 9/42
= ICS: LL 9/49 or 9/50
= ICS: GAP 27b/5 or 37b/5
= Layer: A2DP or HFP
= Layer: BAP
= Layer: MESH or MMDL
Bluetooth® Profiles
For communicating supported Bluetooth® profiles as needed.
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile
Hands-Free Profile
Telephony and Media Audio Profile
Hearing Access Profile
Public Broadcast Profile
Ranging Profile
Generic Health Sensor Profile
Electronic Shelf Label Profile
Ambient Light Sensor NLC Profile
Basic Lightness Controller NLC Profile
Basic Scene Selector NLC Profile
Dimming Control NLC Profile
Energy Monitor NLC Profile
Occupancy Sensor NLC Profile
= Layer: A2DP
= Layer: HFP
= Layer: TMAP
= Layer: HAP
= Layer: PBP
= Layer: RAP
= Layer: GHSP
= Layer: ESLP
= Layer: ALSNLCP
= Layer: BLCNLCP
= Layer: BSSNLCP
= Layer: DICNLCP
= Layer: ENMNLCP
= Layer: OCSNLCP
Bluetooth® Core Version6  
For communicating the Bluetooth® Core Specification against which the product was qualified, if applicable. 
Bluetooth® Core 5.0
Bluetooth® Core 5.1
Bluetooth® Core 5.2
Bluetooth® Core 5.3
Bluetooth® Core 5.4
Bluetooth® Core 6.0
= ICS: CORE 1/50 or 2/50
= ICS: CORE 1/51 or 2/51
= ICS: CORE 1/52 or 2/52
= ICS: CORE 1/53 or 2/53
= ICS: CORE 1/54 or 2/54
= ICS: CORE 1/60 or 2/60



The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Board of Directors has approved the release of two versions of the Bluetooth® Core Specification annually, starting in 2025. The first release under this new cadence is targeted for Spring 2025.


Over the past decade, the SIG has typically released a new core specification every 18 months, timed with the completion of a major new Bluetooth feature. While this approach has been effective in enabling the delivery of transformative updates, it has also meant that other Bluetooth features, enhancements, and fixes had to wait until the completion of a major feature before being released. To address this, the SIG will now follow a more frequent release cycle, publishing two updates to the Bluetooth® Core Specification each year. This will allow the introduction of completed features on a more consistent and frequent basis, ensuring faster innovation and continuous improvement.


"Moving to a bi-annual release cycle for the Bluetooth Core Specification represents a pivotal step forward for the entire Bluetooth technology ecosystem," said Alain Michaud, Chair of the Board of Directors for the Bluetooth SIG. "This new cadence will ensure that incremental improvements and features can reach developers and manufacturers faster, fueling innovation and helping them meet the evolving needs of the market with greater agility. By adopting this approach, we’re not just accelerating the development cycle—we’re also reinforcing the Bluetooth SIG’s commitment to continually strengthen the foundation for the future of wireless connectivity."


As a reminder, Bluetooth SIG members are strongly encouraged to avoid communicating the version of the Bluetooth® Core Specification against which a product was qualified (e.g., Bluetooth Core 6.0) to describe the Bluetooth functionality supported in that product. Doing so can create misunderstandings about the product’s capabilities. For example, a device qualified to Bluetooth Core 6.0 is not required to contain any of the new features added in Bluetooth Core 6.0 or even in Bluetooth Core 5.0.


Instead, members should focus on clearly and accurately describing the specific Bluetooth features their product supports, emphasizing those most important to their target customers, in product packaging, documentation, and promotional materials. Guidance for effectively communicating support for specific Bluetooth features and applications in member products can be found here: Communicating Supported Bluetooth® Functionality.


Details about the upcoming Spring 2025 release will be shared as soon as they are available.




The Bluetooth SIG 



 Bluetooth SIG에서 1년에 2차례 version을 release하기로 결정했다.

기존에는 큰 변화가 있을 때마다 core version을 올렸는데 이제는 Android처럼 주기적으로 version을 올리고 알아서 new feature를 선택하도록 권장하고 있다.

때문에 제품을 홍보할 때도 Core version에 의미를 두지 말라고 한다.

사실 이 문제는 Bluetooth를 담당하던 사람들도 많이 헷갈리던 부분인데 기능들이 optional로 되어 있어 core version이 높다고 해서 그 모든 기능을 지원하는 것이 아닌데 오해가 많이 생기기 때문이다.


이제는 core version별로 어떤 기능이 추가되었나보다는 어떠한 기능들이 있느냐에 초점을 맞추고 세부적으로 어느 버전부터 추가 되었나 정도만 알면 될 것 같다.



TK : Temporary Key
STK를 만들기 위해 생성(128bit Numeric)

STK : Short Term Key
s1 함수의 경우 입력 매개변수에는 다음이 포함
* TK (Temporary Key)
* Srand (응답장치가 생성한 난수)
* Mrand (시작장치가 생성한 난수)

페어링된 장치는 STK와 암호화된 연결 사용

LTK : Long Term Key
링크키 개념, 다음 연결에 사용, MITM 공격 방지

IRK : Identify Resolving Key
private random address를 public address로 분석하는데 사용되는 키
pairing할 때 LTK, IRK를 저장



Security algorithms

secure only connection : secure connection만 연결 받아줌

secure connection : LMP feature ext host/controller supported 가 있음(SSP, encryption 지원 여부도 있음)


Level 4 : secure connection

Level 3 : secure connection을 지원하지 않을 경우 :SSP는 지원

Level 2 : SSP 지원하지 않음, encryption은 지원

Level 1 : SSP를 지원하지 않고 core 2.0 이하일 경우

Level 0 : security 사용하지 않음(profile에서 none으로 설정하는 경우에만 사용할 수 있음)




Chip level

  • SHA - Secure Hash Algorithms
  • HMAC - Hash-based message authentication code
  • RSA - Rivest–Shamir–Adleman ( A public-key cryptosystem )
  • ECC - Elliptic-curve cryptography
  • ECDH - Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Exchange
  • ECDSA - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Authentication
  • SE - Secure enclave

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