현재 개발중인 keypad.

자판 배열에 대한 소유권은 Mobience사에 있고 다만 Bluetooth Keypad device를 만들고 있다. QWERTY와 비슷한 배열을 가지고 있어 익숙해지면 사용하기 편리할 것으로 보이네.
DEMO중인 폰은 T옴니아2.

기사원문 : http://us.aving.net/news/view.php?articleId=146111

Mobience to develop 'smallQWERTY' keyboard for MID and smartphone

SEOUL, Korea (AVING) -- <Visual News> Mobience(www.mobience.com) announced the development of a new concept of 'smallQWERTY' keyboard in Korea market. According to the company, the smallQWERTY keyboard is designed to help enjoy touching big buttons with efficient text input and full keyboard support for every need at small mobile devices such as smartphone and MID


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