Welcome to Microsoft DreamSpark
Professional Developer and Designer tools for students at no charge
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DreamSpark is simple, it's all about giving students Microsoft professional-level developer and design tools at no charge so you can chase your dreams and create the next big breakthrough in technology - or just get a head start on your career.
Who can get this right now?
We are kicking this off in 11 countries/regions, giving DreamSpark to millions of students in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Germany, France, Finland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Belgium. If you are not residing in one of the countries listed keep checking back, we will be adding more countries throughout the year.
Does that mean that I might not get in?
Possibly, if you are not residing in one of the countries listed, not attending an accredited university or not a member of one of the student organizations that we're connected with. But keep checking back, as we're working on adding more ways to verify your student status all the time.
What do I have to do to get this software? Not much really, just select a product and follow the steps below.
- Sign In with your Windows Live ID. If you don't have one, go get one here. Pretty basic stuff.
- Get verified as a student. The system is linked to schools and organizations around the world that can confirm student status. Simply choose your country and school, enter your info and hit submit.
- Download your products. Now remember these are professional tools. This means they are pretty big files so make sure you have the bandwidth and space to bring them to your machine. We support the latest versions of both Internet Explorer and Firefox for your download.
Microsoft® Expression® Studio
Microsoft® Expression® Studio takes your creative possibilities to a new level. The professional design tools and innovative technologies in Expression Studio give you the flexibility and freedom to bring your vision to reality—whether you are designing standards-based Web sites, rich user experiences on the desktop, or managing digital assets and content. Expression Studio includes the following products: |
When you download and save this product to your computer, it will be in the form of an ISO file. The downloadable ISO file must then be placed onto a CD/DVD or mounted using a virtual drive before installation can occur. To get detailed instructions on how to open the ISO file and install this product, click here. |

XNA Game Studio 2.0
XNA Game Studio 2.0 – Microsoft XNA Game Studio 2.0 is a set of tools that allow students, hobbyists and independent developers to build games for both Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360. XNA Game Studio 2.0 is based on the .NET Framework and includes custom managed code libraries, Xbox Live Support, and Games for Windows Live support to make multi-player game development easier. XNA Creators Club 12-Month Trial Subscription – Coupled with XNA Game Studio 2.0, the XNA Creators Club 12-Month Trial Subscription opens up video game development to untapped creative minds, enabling anyone to affordably build and play their amazing game ideas on Xbox 360™ systems for the first time ever. The access key below grants access to a 12-month trial subscription that provides aspiring game developers the ability to develop games for their Xbox 360 without having to pay the $100 yearly subscription. |
현재 아시아권에서는 중국만 서비스 중이라, 우리나라는 다운로드 받을 수 없다.
우리나라는 9월부터 서비스를 제공한다고 한다. 그리고 정말 대학생만 받을수 있다.
[출처] Microsoft Dreamspark- 마이크로소프트 드림스파크|작성자 팀
11개국 국가에 대학생들..그리고 고등학생까지 확대하고 있단다.
만약 ISIC 국제학생증을 가지고 있다면 지금 바로 개발툴을 다운로드 할 수 있다. 현재 배포 되고 있는 개발툴은 비주얼 스튜디오 2005, 2008 / 윈도우즈 2003 서버 에디션 / SQL 서버 2005 / 익스프레션 스튜디오 / XNA 게임 스튜디오 2.0 이다. 개인적으로는 조만간 발표될 익스프레션 스튜디오 2도 조속히 배포되었으면 하는 바람이 있다. (부족한 실버라이트 인프라를 생각하면 아마도 공개될 것 같다.)
아마도 개발툴에 있어 오픈소스도 너무 많고 이클립스, JAVA진영에 많은 위협을 받아 유저들을 잘 키워서 잡아먹겠다는 생각이 아닐런지.. 우리 돈 많으니 앞으로의 고객들에게는 우선 안받아도 된다는 생각!
쉽게 말해서 배우는건 MS제품으로 배우고 실무에 나가서 팔아먹을 위치에 오르면(그땐 학생이 아니겠지) 돈주고 사라는 말이다.
그럼에도 복학하자마자 ISIC인증 받아서 다운받아버릴테닷!!
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