
Bluetooth쪽은 약어를 많이 사용하기 때문에 DI DIS 혼동하는 경우가 종종 있다.



무슨 차이냐고? DIS GATT기반 BLE profile 하나다. BLE ATT 이용하여 Device information 준다고 보면 된다.


SIG 있는 DeviceID_SPEC_V13에서는 다음과 같이 설명하고 있다.



This document specifies a method by which Bluetooth devices may

provide information that may be used by peer Bluetooth devices to

find representative icons or load associated support software. This

information is published as Bluetooth SDP records, and optionally in

an Extended Inquiry Response.


SDP 정보를 넣어두고 EIR에서 optionally 검색할 있다.



Device ID information for the device is exported in terms of an explicit SDP record on

that device. This will be called the Device ID Service Record, and is identified by a unique UUID – this UUID is called the PNPInformation and is part of the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers document – see Assigned Numbers web pages at http://www.bluetooth.org.




Device Identification (DID)

NOTE: Used as both Service Class Identifier and Profile Identifier.

Service Class / Profile


A manufacturer may choose to have more than one Device ID Service Record in a device if the device consists of multiple logical devices in a single physical device, i.e. if it is a composite device. Only the one Device ID Service Record for which the PrimaryRecord attribute (see § 5.5) is set to TRUE will be used to uniquely identify the device. Appendix B contains an example.

It should be noted that the Device ID Service Record is in addition to any other service records already exported by the device for different profiles supported on the device. It is important to distinguish between the device specific information that is available in the Device ID Service Record and the service specific information that is available in other Bluetooth SIG profile recommended service records.


그렇다고 device 하나면서 여러개인 하는 것은 없겠지?

개론적인 설명은 여기까지고 정말 필요한 정보는 아래 표가 전부다.


정보들 VendorID 이용해서 Apple device 구분할 있다.

VendorIDSource 헷갈리지 말자 이건 아래와 같이 정의되어 있다.

0x0001 = Bluetooth SIG assigned Device ID Vendor ID value from the Assigned Numbers document

0x0002 = USB Implementer’s Forum assigned Vendor ID value

0x0000, 0x0003 – 0xFFFF = Reserved for future use


SDP 저장된 정보들은 EIR에서 나오기도 하고 SDP search해서 가져오기도 하는 같다.


'BlueTooth' 카테고리의 다른 글

Uniden  (1) 2009.11.12

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