


Acronym or
Writing out in full Comments
8DPSK 8 phase Differential Phase Shift Keying 3 Mb/s modulation type used by Enhanced Data rate
AAD Additional Authenticated Data  
ACI Antenna Configuration Index  
ACK Acknowledge/Acknowledgment  
ACL Asynchronous Connection-oriented [logical transport] Reliable or time-bounded, bi-directional, pointto-point
ACL-C ACL Control [logical link] (LMP)  
ACL-U ACL User [logical link] (L2CAP)  
ACO Authenticated Ciphering Offset  
AD Advertising Data  
Adv_idx Advertising channel index  
ADVB LEAdvertising Broadcast  
ADVB-C LE Advertising Broadcast Control(Logical Link)  
ADVB-U LE Advertising Broadcast User Data (Logical Link)  
ADI AdvDataInfo  
AES Advanced Encryption Standard  
AES-CCM Advanced Encryption Standard - Counter with CBC-MAC  
AFH Adaptive Frequency Hopping  
AHS Adapted Hop Sequence  
AoA Angle of Arrival  
AoD Angle of Departure  
APB Active Peripheral Broadcast [logical transport] Unreliable, uni-directional broadcast to any devices synchronized with the physical channel
APB-C APB Control [logical link] (LMP)  
APB-U APB User [logical link] (L2CAP)  
ARQ Automatic Repeat Request  
ASK Amplitude Shift Keying  
ATT Attribute Protocol  
BB Baseband  
BCH Bose, Chaudhuri & Hocquenghem Type of code The persons who discovered these codes in 1959 (H) and 1960 (B&C)
BD_ADDR Bluetooth Device Address  
BER Bit Error Rate  
BIG Broadcast Isochronous Group A group of one or more time-related Broadcast Isochronous Streams
BIS Broadcast Isochronous Stream Connectionless isochronous logical transport
BT Bandwidth Time  
C Central  
C.# Conditional Any number may be used. See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11  
CAC Channel Access Code  
CBC-MAC Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code  
CCM Counter with CBC-MAC  
CIG Connected Isochronous Group A group of one or more time-related Connected Isochronous Streams
CIS Connected Isochronous Stream Point-to-point isochronous logical transport
CLKN Native Clock  
CLK  Central's Clock  
CLKE Estimated Clock  
CODEC COder DECoder  
COF Ciphering Offset  
CP CTEInfo Present A field in the Data Channel PDU Header to indicate the presence of the CTEInfo field
CPB Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast The logical transport enabled by the Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast feature
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check  
CS Channel Sounding  
CS Tone Channel Sounding Tone Unmodulated carrier associated with the phase-based ranging technique
CSA Core Specification Addendum (In plural Addenda)  
CSRK Connection Signature Resolving Key  
CTE Constant Tone Extension  
CTEInfo Constant Tone Extension Information A field in the Data Channel PDU Header and the extended advertising header
CTS Clear to send  
CVSD Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation  
DAC Device Access Code  
DCI Default Check Initialization  
DEVM Differential Error Vector Magnitude Measure of modulation error used for Enhanced Data Rate transmitter testing
DH Data-High Rate Data packet type for high rate data  
DHK Diversifier Hiding Key  
DIAC Dedicated Inquiry Access Code  
DID (Advertising) Data ID  
DIV Diversifier  
DM Data - Medium Rate Data packet type for medium rate data
DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying Generic description of Enhanced Data Rate modulation
DQPSK Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying Modulation type used by Enhanced Data Rate
DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator  
DTM Direct Test Mode  
DV Data Voice Data packet type for data and voice  
E Excluded See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11
ECLD Early Commit Late Detect  
EDIV Encrypted Diversifier  
EDLC Early Detect Late Commit  
EDR Enhanced Data Rate  
EIR Extended Inquiry Response Host supplied information transmitted in the Inquiry Response substate
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power Equivalent power that an isotropic antenna must transmit to provide the same field power density
(e)SCO Synchronous logical link or Extended Synchronous logical link SCO or eSCO
eSCO Extended Synchronous Connection-Oriented [logical transport] Bi-directional, symmetric or asymmetric, point to-point, general regular data, limited retransmission
eSCO-S Stream eSCO (unframed) Used to support isochronous data delivered in a stream without framing
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute  
FAE Fractional Frequency Offset Actuation Error  
FCC Federal Communications Commission  
FCS Frame Check Sequence  
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access  
FEC Forward Error Correction code  
FFO Fractional Frequency Offset  
FHS Frequency Hop Synchronization  
FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum  
FIFO First In First Out  
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards  
FM Frequency Modulation Modulation type
GAP Generic Access profile  
GATT Generic Attribute profile  
GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying  
GIAC General Inquiry Access Code Used for GAP General Discoverable mode and General Inquiry procedure. See Assigned Numbers.
HCI Host Controller interface  
HEC Header-Error-Check  
HID Human Interface Device  
HV High quality Voice e.g. HV1 packet  
HW Hardware  
IAC Inquiry Access Code  
IC Industry Canada  
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission  
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force  
IFS Inter Frame Space  
IP Internet Protocol  
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4  
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6  
IQ In-phase and Quadrature  
IrDA Infra-red Data Association  
IRK Identity Resolving Key  
ISM Industrial, Scientific, Medical  
ISO International Organization for Standardization  
ISO Isochronous  
ISOAL Isochronous Adaptation Layer The layer that converts data units from the upper layer to data units in the Link Layer and vice versa
ITU International Telecommunication Union  
IUT Implementation Under Test  
IV Initialization Vector  
IV_C Initialization Vector (Central)  
IV_P Initialization Vector (Peripheral)  
L2CAP Logical Link Control and Adaptation protocol  
LAP Lower Address Part  
LC Link Controller Link Controller (or Baseband) part of the Bluetooth protocol stack. Low level Baseband protocol handler
LC Link Control [logical link] The control logical links LC and ACL-C are used at the link control level and link manager level, respectively
LE Low Energy  
LEB-C Low Energy Broadcast Control A logical link for control of Broadcast Isochronous Streams in a Broadcast Isochronous Group
LE-C Low Energy Control (link)  
LE-F Low Energy Framed A logical link for transferring framed isochronous data packets using a Connected or Broadcast Isochronous Stream logical transport
LE-S Low Energy Stream A logical link for transferring unframed isochronous data packets using a Connected or Broadcast Isochronous Stream logical transport
LE-U LE User [logical link]  
LFAE Local Frequency Actuation Error  
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register  
LIAC Limited Inquiry Access Code Used for GAP Limited Discoverable mode and Limited Inquiry procedure. See Assigned Numbers.
LL Link Layer  
LLID Logical Link Identifier  
LM Link Manager  
LMP Link Manager protocol For LM peer to peer communication
LR Loudness Rating  
LSB Least Significant Bit  
LSO Least Significant Octet  
LSTO Link Supervision Timeout event Controller can send LSTO event to Host
LT_ADDR Logical Transport ADDRess  
LTK Long-Term Key  
M Mandatory See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11
MAC Message Authentication Code  
Mb/s Megabits (millions of bits) per second MD More Data  
MIC Message Integrity Check  
MITM Man-in-the-middle  
Msym/s Megasymbols per second  
MSB Most Significant Bit  
mSBC modified Sub Band Codec Hands-Free Profile v1.6 or later
MSC Message sequence chart  
MSO Most Significant Octet  
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit  
MWS Mobile Wireless Standards For example LTE and WiMAX
N_AP Number of Antenna Paths  
NADM Normalized Attack Detector Metric  
NAK Negative Acknowledge  
NAP Non-significant Address Part  
NESN Next Expected Sequence Number  
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology  
O Optional See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11
OBEX OBject EXchange protocol  
OCF Opcode Command Field  
OGF Opcode Group Field  
OOB Out of Band  
π/4-DQPSK π/4 Rotated Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying 2 Mb/s modulation type used by Enhanced Data Rate
P Peripheral  
PADVB LE Periodic Advertising Broadcast(Logical Transport)  
PAwR Periodic Advertising with Responses  
PBD Profile Broadcast Data The name of the logical link enabled by the Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast feature
PBF Packet Boundary Flag The device supports the capability to correctly handle HCI ACL Data packets
PBR Phase-Based Ranging  
PCM Pulse Coded Modulation  
PCT Phase Correction Term  
PDU Protocol Data Unit A message
PHY Physical Layer  
PIN Personal Identification Number  
PN Pseudo-random Noise  
ppm Part Per Million  
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol  
PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence  
PRNG Pseudo Random Noise Generation  
PSK Phase Shift Keying Class of modulation types
ptt Packet Type Table The ptt parameter is used to select the logical transport types via LMP.
QoS Quality of Service  
RAND Random number  
RF Radio Frequency  
RFC Request For Comments  
RFCMode Retransmission and Flow Control Mode  
RFCOMM   Serial cable emulation protocol based on ETSI TS 07.10
RFU Reserved for future use  
RMS Root Mean Square  
RPA Resolvable Private Address  
RPL Reference Power Level  
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication  
RTT Round-Trip Time  
RX Receive  
SAR Segmentation and Reassembly  
SCA Sleep Clock Accuracy  
SCO Synchronous Connection-Oriented [logical transport] Bi-directional, symmetric, point-to-point, AV channels
SCO-S Stream SCO (unframed) Used to support isochronous data delivered in a stream without framing
SDP Service Discovery protocol  
SDU Service Data Unit  
SEQN Sequential Numbering scheme  
SID (Advertising) Set ID  
SK Session Key  
SKD_C Session Key Diversifier (Central) Central portion of the Session Key Diversifier
SKD_P Session Key Diversifier (Peripheral) Peripheral portion of the Session Key Diversifier
SM Security Manager  
SMP Security Manager Protocol  
SN Sequence Number  
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio  
SRES Signed Response  
SRK Signature Resolving Key  
SSI Signal Strength Indication  
SSP Secure Simple Pairing  
STK Short Term Key  
SW Software  
T_FCS Time for Frequency Change Spacing  
T_FM Time for Frequency Measurement  
T_GD Time for Guard period  
T_IFS Time Inter Frame Space Time interval between consecutive packets on same channel index in the situation indicated by the suffix. See [Vol 6] Part B, Section 4.1.1.
T_IP1 Time for Interlude Period 1 (between CS packets)  
T_IP2 Time for Interlude Period 2 (between CS tones)  
T_MCES Time Minimum Connection Event Spacing Minimum time interval between connection events. See [Vol 6] Part B, Section 4.1.5.
T_MSS Time Minimum Subevent Spacing Minimum time interval between subevents in the situation indicated by the suffix. See [Vol 6] Part B, Section 4.2.2.
T_PM Time for Phase Measurement  
T_RD Time for (transmission) RampDown  
T_SY Time for synchronization sequence (CS packet)  
TCP/IP Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol  
TCS Telephony Control protocol Specification  
TDD Time-Division Duplex  
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access  
TK Temporary Key  
ToA Time of Arrival  
ToD Time of Departure  
ToF Time of Flight  
TX Transmit  
UAP Upper Address Part  
UART Universal Asynchronous receiver Transmitter  
UI User Interface  
ULAP Upper and Lower Address Parts  
USB Universal Serial Bus  
UTF-8 8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format  
UUID Universal Unique Identifier  

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