Acronym or abbreviation |
Writing out in full | Comments |
8DPSK | 8 phase Differential Phase Shift Keying | 3 Mb/s modulation type used by Enhanced Data rate |
AAD | Additional Authenticated Data | |
ACI | Antenna Configuration Index | |
ACK | Acknowledge/Acknowledgment | |
ACL | Asynchronous Connection-oriented [logical transport] | Reliable or time-bounded, bi-directional, pointto-point |
ACL-C | ACL Control [logical link] (LMP) | |
ACL-U | ACL User [logical link] (L2CAP) | |
ACO | Authenticated Ciphering Offset | |
AD | Advertising Data | |
Adv_idx | Advertising channel index | |
ADVB | LEAdvertising Broadcast | |
ADVB-C | LE Advertising Broadcast Control(Logical Link) | |
ADVB-U | LE Advertising Broadcast User Data (Logical Link) | |
ADI | AdvDataInfo | |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard | |
AES-CCM | Advanced Encryption Standard - Counter with CBC-MAC | |
AFH | Adaptive Frequency Hopping | |
AHS | Adapted Hop Sequence | |
AoA | Angle of Arrival | |
AoD | Angle of Departure | |
APB | Active Peripheral Broadcast [logical transport] | Unreliable, uni-directional broadcast to any devices synchronized with the physical channel |
APB-C | APB Control [logical link] (LMP) | |
APB-U | APB User [logical link] (L2CAP) | |
ARQ | Automatic Repeat Request | |
ASK | Amplitude Shift Keying | |
ATT | Attribute Protocol | |
BB | Baseband | |
BCH | Bose, Chaudhuri & Hocquenghem | Type of code The persons who discovered these codes in 1959 (H) and 1960 (B&C) |
BD_ADDR | Bluetooth Device Address | |
BER | Bit Error Rate | |
BIG | Broadcast Isochronous Group | A group of one or more time-related Broadcast Isochronous Streams |
BIS | Broadcast Isochronous Stream | Connectionless isochronous logical transport |
BT | Bandwidth Time | |
C | Central | |
C.# | Conditional Any number may be used. See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11 | |
CAC | Channel Access Code | |
CBC-MAC | Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code | |
CCM | Counter with CBC-MAC | |
CIG | Connected Isochronous Group | A group of one or more time-related Connected Isochronous Streams |
CIS | Connected Isochronous Stream | Point-to-point isochronous logical transport |
CLKN | Native Clock | |
CLK | Central's Clock | |
CLKE | Estimated Clock | |
CODEC | COder DECoder | |
COF | Ciphering Offset | |
CP | CTEInfo Present | A field in the Data Channel PDU Header to indicate the presence of the CTEInfo field |
CPB | Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast | The logical transport enabled by the Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast feature |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | |
CS | Channel Sounding | |
CS | Tone Channel Sounding Tone | Unmodulated carrier associated with the phase-based ranging technique |
CSA | Core Specification Addendum (In plural Addenda) | |
CSRK | Connection Signature Resolving Key | |
CTE | Constant Tone Extension | |
CTEInfo | Constant Tone Extension Information | A field in the Data Channel PDU Header and the extended advertising header |
CTS | Clear to send | |
CVSD | Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation | |
DAC | Device Access Code | |
DCI | Default Check Initialization | |
DEVM | Differential Error Vector Magnitude | Measure of modulation error used for Enhanced Data Rate transmitter testing |
DH | Data-High Rate Data packet type for high rate data | |
DHK | Diversifier Hiding Key | |
DIAC | Dedicated Inquiry Access Code | |
DID | (Advertising) Data ID | |
DIV | Diversifier | |
DM | Data - Medium Rate | Data packet type for medium rate data |
DPSK | Differential Phase Shift Keying | Generic description of Enhanced Data Rate modulation |
DQPSK | Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying | Modulation type used by Enhanced Data Rate |
DRBG | Deterministic Random Bit Generator | |
DTM | Direct Test Mode | |
DV | Data Voice Data packet type for data and voice | |
E | Excluded | See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11 |
ECLD | Early Commit Late Detect | |
EDIV | Encrypted Diversifier | |
EDLC | Early Detect Late Commit | |
EDR | Enhanced Data Rate | |
EIR | Extended Inquiry Response | Host supplied information transmitted in the Inquiry Response substate |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power | Equivalent power that an isotropic antenna must transmit to provide the same field power density |
(e)SCO | Synchronous logical link or Extended Synchronous logical link | SCO or eSCO |
eSCO | Extended Synchronous Connection-Oriented [logical transport] | Bi-directional, symmetric or asymmetric, point to-point, general regular data, limited retransmission |
eSCO-S | Stream eSCO (unframed) | Used to support isochronous data delivered in a stream without framing |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute | |
FAE | Fractional Frequency Offset Actuation Error | |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission | |
FCS | Frame Check Sequence | |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access | |
FEC | Forward Error Correction code | |
FFO | Fractional Frequency Offset | |
FHS | Frequency Hop Synchronization | |
FHSS | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum | |
FIFO | First In First Out | |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standards | |
FM | Frequency Modulation | Modulation type |
GAP | Generic Access profile | |
GATT | Generic Attribute profile | |
GFSK | Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying | |
GIAC | General Inquiry Access Code | Used for GAP General Discoverable mode and General Inquiry procedure. See Assigned Numbers. |
HCI | Host Controller interface | |
HEC | Header-Error-Check | |
HID | Human Interface Device | |
HV | High quality Voice e.g. HV1 packet | |
HW | Hardware | |
IAC | Inquiry Access Code | |
IC | Industry Canada | |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | |
IFS | Inter Frame Space | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol version 4 | |
IPv6 | Internet Protocol version 6 | |
IQ | In-phase and Quadrature | |
IrDA | Infra-red Data Association | |
IRK | Identity Resolving Key | |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific, Medical | |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | |
ISO | Isochronous | |
ISOAL | Isochronous Adaptation Layer | The layer that converts data units from the upper layer to data units in the Link Layer and vice versa |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union | |
IUT | Implementation Under Test | |
IV | Initialization Vector | |
IV_C | Initialization Vector (Central) | |
IV_P | Initialization Vector (Peripheral) | |
L2CAP | Logical Link Control and Adaptation protocol | |
LAP | Lower Address Part | |
LC | Link Controller | Link Controller (or Baseband) part of the Bluetooth protocol stack. Low level Baseband protocol handler |
LC | Link Control [logical link] | The control logical links LC and ACL-C are used at the link control level and link manager level, respectively |
LE | Low Energy | |
LEB-C | Low Energy Broadcast Control | A logical link for control of Broadcast Isochronous Streams in a Broadcast Isochronous Group |
LE-C | Low Energy Control (link) | |
LE-F | Low Energy Framed | A logical link for transferring framed isochronous data packets using a Connected or Broadcast Isochronous Stream logical transport |
LE-S | Low Energy Stream | A logical link for transferring unframed isochronous data packets using a Connected or Broadcast Isochronous Stream logical transport |
LE-U | LE User [logical link] | |
LFAE | Local Frequency Actuation Error | |
LFSR | Linear Feedback Shift Register | |
LIAC | Limited Inquiry Access Code | Used for GAP Limited Discoverable mode and Limited Inquiry procedure. See Assigned Numbers. |
LL | Link Layer | |
LLID | Logical Link Identifier | |
LM | Link Manager | |
LMP | Link Manager protocol | For LM peer to peer communication |
LR | Loudness Rating | |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | |
LSO | Least Significant Octet | |
LSTO | Link Supervision Timeout event | Controller can send LSTO event to Host |
LT_ADDR | Logical Transport ADDRess | |
LTK | Long-Term Key | |
M | Mandatory | See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11 |
MAC | Message Authentication Code | |
Mb/s | Megabits (millions of bits) per second MD More Data | |
MIC | Message Integrity Check | |
MITM | Man-in-the-middle | |
Msym/s | Megasymbols per second | |
MSB | Most Significant Bit | |
mSBC | modified Sub Band Codec | Hands-Free Profile v1.6 or later |
MSC | Message sequence chart | |
MSO | Most Significant Octet | |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit | |
MWS | Mobile Wireless Standards | For example LTE and WiMAX |
N_AP | Number of Antenna Paths | |
NADM | Normalized Attack Detector Metric | |
NAK | Negative Acknowledge | |
NAP | Non-significant Address Part | |
NESN | Next Expected Sequence Number | |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | |
O | Optional | See [Vol 1] Part E, Section 2.11 |
OBEX | OBject EXchange protocol | |
OCF | Opcode Command Field | |
OGF | Opcode Group Field | |
OOB | Out of Band | |
π/4-DQPSK | π/4 Rotated Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying | 2 Mb/s modulation type used by Enhanced Data Rate |
P | Peripheral | |
PADVB | LE Periodic Advertising Broadcast(Logical Transport) | |
PAwR | Periodic Advertising with Responses | |
PBD | Profile Broadcast Data | The name of the logical link enabled by the Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast feature |
PBF | Packet Boundary Flag | The device supports the capability to correctly handle HCI ACL Data packets |
PBR | Phase-Based Ranging | |
PCM | Pulse Coded Modulation | |
PCT | Phase Correction Term | |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit | A message |
PHY | Physical Layer | |
PIN | Personal Identification Number | |
PN | Pseudo-random Noise | |
ppm | Part Per Million | |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | |
PRBS | Pseudo Random Bit Sequence | |
PRNG | Pseudo Random Noise Generation | |
PSK | Phase Shift Keying | Class of modulation types |
ptt | Packet Type Table | The ptt parameter is used to select the logical transport types via LMP. |
QoS | Quality of Service | |
RAND | Random number | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFC | Request For Comments | |
RFCMode | Retransmission and Flow Control Mode | |
RFCOMM | Serial cable emulation protocol based on ETSI TS 07.10 | |
RFU | Reserved for future use | |
RMS | Root Mean Square | |
RPA | Resolvable Private Address | |
RPL | Reference Power Level | |
RSSI | Received Signal Strength Indication | |
RTT | Round-Trip Time | |
RX | Receive | |
SAR | Segmentation and Reassembly | |
SCA | Sleep Clock Accuracy | |
SCO | Synchronous Connection-Oriented [logical transport] | Bi-directional, symmetric, point-to-point, AV channels |
SCO-S | Stream SCO (unframed) | Used to support isochronous data delivered in a stream without framing |
SDP | Service Discovery protocol | |
SDU | Service Data Unit | |
SEQN | Sequential Numbering scheme | |
SID | (Advertising) Set ID | |
SK | Session Key | |
SKD_C | Session Key Diversifier (Central) | Central portion of the Session Key Diversifier |
SKD_P | Session Key Diversifier (Peripheral) | Peripheral portion of the Session Key Diversifier |
SM | Security Manager | |
SMP | Security Manager Protocol | |
SN | Sequence Number | |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio | |
SRES | Signed Response | |
SRK | Signature Resolving Key | |
SSI | Signal Strength Indication | |
SSP | Secure Simple Pairing | |
STK | Short Term Key | |
SW | Software | |
T_FCS | Time for Frequency Change Spacing | |
T_FM | Time for Frequency Measurement | |
T_GD | Time for Guard period | |
T_IFS | Time Inter Frame Space | Time interval between consecutive packets on same channel index in the situation indicated by the suffix. See [Vol 6] Part B, Section 4.1.1. |
T_IP1 | Time for Interlude Period 1 (between CS packets) | |
T_IP2 | Time for Interlude Period 2 (between CS tones) | |
T_MCES | Time Minimum Connection Event Spacing | Minimum time interval between connection events. See [Vol 6] Part B, Section 4.1.5. |
T_MSS | Time Minimum Subevent Spacing | Minimum time interval between subevents in the situation indicated by the suffix. See [Vol 6] Part B, Section 4.2.2. |
T_PM | Time for Phase Measurement | |
T_RD | Time for (transmission) RampDown | |
T_SY | Time for synchronization sequence (CS packet) | |
TCP/IP | Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol | |
TCS | Telephony Control protocol Specification | |
TDD | Time-Division Duplex | |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access | |
TK | Temporary Key | |
ToA | Time of Arrival | |
ToD | Time of Departure | |
ToF | Time of Flight | |
TX | Transmit | |
UAP | Upper Address Part | |
UART | Universal Asynchronous receiver Transmitter | |
UI | User Interface | |
ULAP | Upper and Lower Address Parts | |
USB | Universal Serial Bus | |
UTF-8 | 8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format | |
UUID | Universal Unique Identifier |
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